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Comments from the juriesFASHION PRIZE OF TOKYO 2020 審査員コメント
Oct. 19,2019

根岸 由香里
Yukari Negishi

株式会社サザビーリーグ リトルリーグカンパニー 執行役員
ロンハーマン ウィメンズ クリエイティブディレクター
Ron Herman Women’s Creative Director

根岸 由香里

General evaluation of the 3rd FPT screening board

I placed importance on originality, quality, and whether the brand will stand-up as a business. We received applications from a wide variety of brands, at the final screening, we meet with the designers, see their pieces, and make our judgement. Each brand had its own attraction, and it was a judging that made me feel the width and possibilities of Japanese brands.

Your reason for selecting the winner of the 3rd Takuya Morikawa(TAAK designer) FPT Award

He had previously received the Tokyo Fashion Award, and I had been watching him since. It had been a while since I last saw his work, but I felt his collection had evolved even further these past few years. Mr. Morikawa, whom starts designing from making the textile. Coincidentally, this stance is the same with the 1st award winner, Ms. Kurogouchi, and the 2nd award winner, Mr. Iwai. Each has their own individuality, but the textiles and clothes of Mr. Morikawa also shows a sure quality of traditional Japanese skills to the latest cutting-edge techniques, along with containing a strong message, so many of his works were very interesting to see, giving the impression that they were one-and-only pieces. Furthermore, because his brand is already popular in NY, I feel we can expect a full-scale spread in their overseas activities.

Your impression of having seen the 3rd award winner, Mr. Ryota Iwai’s (AURALEE) collection presentation at Paris, triumphant return event at Tokyo, and activities after receiving the award

Having experienced a presentation at Paris, I think the contents of his collection has become further polished. Of all his collections I’ve seen, I think the 2020 S/S collection was the best. It made me realize once again that he is a fabulous designer whom can make clothes that are not necessarily flashy but have the power to grab people by the heart. Now, I’m even more excited about seeing what he’ll do from here!