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Same as last time, in judging I placed weight on originality, quality, and business potential in overseas markets. We had a hole new group of entries, completely different from last time, which, for me, made the judgement process serious yet very exciting. Each brand had its own unique attractiveness, making this screening one which allowed me to feel the broadness of Japanese brands.
生地から独自で作り、それを存分に活かしたデザイン、時代を感じる力、クオリティは勿論、クオリティコントロールもしっかりしており、日本での実績も申し分ない。 きちんとした服を作っており、ブランドとしてのしっかりとした芯が既にあるので、世界へ出ても戦っていけるだろうという安心感もありました。 また、ある意味控え目でシンプル、最高に心地の良いそよ風の様なブランドなので、この良さを世界に伝えられたら、同時に日本の良さを伝えられるとも思っています。
Making their own original textile, designs which fully utilize the characteristics of these textiles, their ability to feel the mood of the time, needless to say their high quality, but they also have a sure grasp on quality control, and their level of achievement in Japan is excellent. They make excellent clothing and already have a strong core as a brand, so I felt a sense of security that they could hold their own even if they stepped out into global market. Furthermore, the brand is in a way modest and simple, like a totally comfortable breeze, so if we could convey its attractiveness to the world, I feel the attractions of Japan will be conveyed at the same time.
I saw her 2019SS show, held at Paris the over day. From last times presentation form, this time she changed to a runway form with the collection worn by models. The further evolved collection was fabulous, with many attractive items from the viewpoint of a judge and buyer, but moreover, many clothes I wanted to wear as a consumer. I was mesmerized by the beauty of the clothing when the models moved. It was a truly fabulous collection, worthy of being the first award-winner.